Multiple million dollar plus projects on various military bases in California and other states. Projects consisted of various construction trades, and scopes. Provided SSHOs, QCMs, and Superintendent personnel. Provided support of document preparation for various projects.
Multiple million dollar plus projects on various military bases in California: Naval Medical Center San Diego, MCB Camp Pendleton, Naval Base San Diego, Naval Air Station North Island, etc. Projects consisted of installing and upgrading electrical infrastructure and electrical support systems. We continue to provide QCM and SSHO support for multiple projects.
A $3.25 million dollar project, VA Long Beach Healthcare System Facility Improvements. On site representation of various work being done: Asbestos and Lead testing, abatement, demolition, air quality monitoring and tenant improvement construction services at 8 different locations within the VA Long Beach Health Care Clinics
Multiple million dollar plus projects for renovations and repairs of buildings at Fort Irwin and construction of a new parking area at SCE Alhambra. We provided Quality Control Management and Site Safety services.
A $2.7 million dollar project at Naval Base Point Loma Lab renovation, $2 million dollar steel awnings at Naval Air Station North Island. Onsite representation for laboratory facilities renovation, provided QCM and SSHO construction management services.
A $60 million construction project of 25 miles 24" HDPE mainline with two pump stations and a three million gallon concrete tank reservoir at Camp Pendleton, California.
A $300 million dollar, 50 foot invert, 23 mile concrete lined canal construction project, (All American Canal) with appurtenant facilities. Excavation of 24 million cubic yards of earth material, placement of two million square yards of four inch thick concrete lining and the installation of five miles of PVC geo-membrane on existing canal.
A $21 million dollar contract of open cut trench construction 54" and 60" steel welded pipeline with a man-way structures and concrete vault tie-ins. constructed a 350LF. 12ft. dia. drill and blast hard rock tunnel. Repair and resurface asphalt roadways.
A $38 million dollar Oakwood Beach Interceptor project in New York City. Construction was accomplished in both free air and compressed air, used and open-faced shield for 12ft. segment tunnel, with pre-grouting and consolidation grouting from the surface.
$55 million dollar construction and installation expansion of a wastewater control facilities from 7mgd to 20mgd and tertiary process at Waste Water Treatment Plant (Manteca, CA.)
On site representative for construction of a $9 million dollar contract for the installation of reclaimed water lines, ranging in size from 36" to 24"steel welded pipe, with associated steel and concrete structures. Supervised quality assurance program for concrete and asphalt paving, reviewed monthly pay estimates and submittals, process RFI and as built drawings, coordinated construction activities between the general contractor, client, and utility companies.
2704 Transportation Avenue Suite C, National City, CA 91950, United States